We felt called to start "something" to do with our love of fitness and our faith. Our little ministry started as a little seed back in 2020, and we finally took a leap of faith and planted it in the spring of 2021. We decided to prepare and host our very first annual Queenship Tea Party on August 22, 2021, followed by three faith and fitness events on the 1st of September, October, and November each one commemorating a different reason for being.
Our mission has become more and more clear along the way and we have evolved into truly honing into supporting women in every stage of life from singlehood, to pregnancy, postpartum and more. We are passionate to bring people closer to living joyfully and we know that community, food, faith, and fitness are big components to that ongoing puzzle.
Please feel free to explore what we have to offer, enjoy our online content, and please consider joining us for our workshops coming up in the fall!
May God bless you & don't forget... "Embrace the Sweat"
xo Aly, Chantal & Gigi
Raised in rural Manitoba this super talented, beautiful soul excelled in the sport world. She journeyed into high level volleyball with a scholarship to Université de Moncton, in New Brunswick. As the youngest of six children, she always looked up to her siblings and father when it came to sports. Aly’s close relationship with her mother always helped her flourish in the faith and was an encouragement to always use her gifts to serve God.
Although she felt called to play, study and serve during those four years of university, she often felt like God was calling her to serve those more in need. Through different trials, lessons, and joys, she knew it was time to start putting Him first. It was after her first missionary trip in Peru 2019, that she felt immense peace in serving others. After that unforgettable journey and a year of growing, praying and discerning, the Holy Spirit made it clear that, for the moment, He wanted her to stay in Manitoba and to serve those in her own community. God has led her to the beautiful vocation of marriage, in which her and her husband have welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world.
Her tenacity and competitive spirit was not just for the court, you can count on Alyssa to provide challenges for you and to grow together past the habitual limits, not only in workouts, but also in your intellect and spirit.
“If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”
- St. Therese de Lisieux
Chantal is blessed by 5 older siblings and two hardworking, loving parents. She has a great sense of humour and embraces being surrounded by family and friends. Not only does she love living in community, but she has always been the life of the party! She has a contagious laugh, sweet dancing skills, a heart of service and an amazing amount of knowledge lived through her university accomplishments - not only academically, but also as an athlete. Her soccer days were cut short due to an ACL injury, and this brought her to the beginning of a new journey. This experience encouraged her to educate herself on knee rehab strategies and found a holistic approach to manage pain. Chantal's motherhood journey started in 2014, which opened up a whole new world for her to explore. Over the years, she has been on pursuit to find a better understanding of her own body, mind and soul - via life experience, mentors, and continued education.
Although she is called to help other women along their motherhood journey, she is dedicated to her primary role as "mom" and wife for her hard-working husband Josh, and her four energetic children. Chantal is an experienced coach who brings life to her classes and who strives to make her clients feel loved. Most of all, she is defined, not as a series of worldly life titles, but especially as a faithful warrior; a daughter of Christ.
“The way you help heal the world is that you start with your own family.”
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
Gigi is known for her generosity and caring heart. She is the fourth of six siblings who all love her joyful spirit and dedication towards the friendship and quirky connections that she makes with everyone she meets! She truly has a gift of joy and loves to make others feel special. She grew up playing volleyball and badminton, and her athletic skills and active lifestyle is something that she has definitely passed down to her two daughters. Gigi took on her role as mother with great devotion and she pours out her love for her girls every day - a wonderful testimony of a serving heart. Gigi is someone to look up to for her perseverance through adversity.
She loves to be with people and to share a good laugh together. She has an amazing voice and can dance to any rhythm! She was a part of the Ensemble Folklorique de la Riviere Rouge (French folklore dance) and an African drumming & dance group, where they travelled to Bulgaria! She loves listening to and dancing to any type of Latin music, especially Juan Luis Guerra. Gigi is the most amazing cook, and she shares her culinary gifts with her friends, family, and even the strangers at the bus stop. Gigi has always honoured her Catholic roots. She was part of her church choir for many years, volunteered as a member of her church community, and continues to persevere in her faith despite the many trials that life has sent her way. She is truly a warrior for God.
"It is Jesus in fact that you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you."
- Pope John Paul II
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