Transitioning into different seasons of life is difficult and we are here to encourage mothers to be patient with themselves and to be intentional as they journey, not only during their fourth trimester, but throughout life.
Since November 2023, we heard a call to "go with haste" to visit mothers in our community who had just welcomed their new bundle of joy. As fellow moms in the trenches, we know how important it is to be nourished and feel properly supported.
Enter the "Mom Box". A package that is curated for a newly postpartum mom who is most likely low on sleep, energy, and in need of proper nourishment. We know the healing power of food, prayer, and support, so our goal for this visit is to bring peace and a sense of calm during this often lonely and sleepless time. We aim to feed their mind with proper nutrients and to strengthen their physical and spiritual being. We personally prepare and deliver each box, which includes nutritious homemade food -- bone broth, homemade soup, overnight oats, yummy granola cakes. We also offer some tips for postpartum physical recovery (that only scratch the surface of information), so we would love if you'd ask our Certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Coach more questions! Lastly, and most importantly, we offer our prayers, a personalized note, and a purchased mass offering for the living intentions of mom, baby and the family.
If you know of an expectant mother who would appreciate the mom box, please
click here to donate and send us an email if you'd like to find out more information.
"Thank you again for everything. I am going to have to get the recipe for the energy bites, they are so delicious! I enjoyed our chat this morning. See you in church tomorrow." - April Mom
"Merci pour la visite!! Et pour le mom box. (Thank you for the visit!! and for the mom box). Such a great idea and super appreciated. I am a little anxious to see how things are gonna go once *Dad* goes back to work so I might reach out to you if I get a little lonely. Merci beaucoup! (Thank you so much!) - December Mom
"All praise be to God! Louis ... .... .... was born today at 2:52pm, weighing 11 lbs, 1 ounce. Thanks for all the support and prayers!" - November Mom
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