Our catholic Faith has become more and more beautiful as we seek christ. we are on fire to share the beauty of God's love for us all. The Holy Spirit led us to start an online challenge with the intent to deepen our faith and to offer our desire for health to god. during this challenge, we aim to integrate our faith and fitness.
Scroll down for more information and to Sign up to join this prayerful challenge as you journey through lent.
We believe that living out faith and fitness takes discipline. Our mission for this program is to practice integrating your physical health with your spiritual health.
40 videos : compilation of daily prayers, a reflection and a small daily exercise challenge.
WhatsApp : Community support group chat. For sharing your goals, prayer intentions, community meet ups, and more!
Beginning Wednesday, March 5, 2025 you will receive daily emails to access the video challenge of the day. The 40 day program ends , Thursday April 17 on Holy Thursday.
God has planted a mustard seed in our hearts, that we are continuing to cultivate. Although we offer our programs free of charge, we are always grateful when you feel called to support our mission. God Bless you!
Your registration has been submitted! Check your emails come Ash Wednesday for your first challenge of the day! May God bless you for pursuing Christ!
ps. Be sure to check your junk mail if you haven't received a confirmation email from us!
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Please let us know via email info@sweatysaints.ca that your attempt to register was denied and we will try our best to sort it out as quick as possible. Thank you!
You can expect to begin the challenge in prayer followed by one focus movement per day. The amount of time needed to complete the challenge are based on how far along we are in the Lenten Season. The further along we are, the more time you'll need to dedicate to this challenge. For example, the first few days will only require 5-10 mins, but as we approach the end of Lent, we encourage you to gradually make more time in prayer and in movement (some days up to 30 mins)
"Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do wth love." - St.Therese de Lisieux
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrew 12:11)
No, you don’t need any fitness equipment for this program.
Option 1: By clicking on the red "Give a Gift Here" button found at the bottom of the page, you will be directed to our Store. There you will have the option to gift to certain projects within our ministry via credit card transaction.
*These transactions are secure payment by Square.
Option 2: For our local community, we also accept E-Transfer to info@sweatysaints.ca.
"I'm Lisi from Austria. I think body, mind, spirit belong together and form a Trinity but for me workouts feel like something very separate from praying... I want those two to become more connected. I know i need both for feeling well. Thank you very much for the beautiful videos and the guidance." - Lisi M
"Hi, I'm Miranda. We live on a farm in Manitoba. I am excited and looking forward to the Lenten F+F Challenge! I think the fitness aspect, specifically increasing in discipline in it, will go hand in hand with the prayer aspect. Thank you so much ladies for organizing! You are in my prayers!" - Miranda H.
"Hi I'm Danielle, married for 3 years and blessed with two little boys since. My one year old joined me with the "hopping" exercise today and loved it! Keeping you all in my prayers! I am so happy to be a part of this group!" - Danielle F.
"The little child's voice praying the Unity prayer this morning was so adorable! I actually did Alyssa's version today of the side plank and I've been trying to go for a walk daily since the challenge started as well! Knowing others are also doing this is very encouraging for me, so thank you!" - Janine K.
"Week 1 was tough, but I have started walking every day, praying a lot more and reading Mother Teresa's "God is Love" book, which was my moms. I gave up my fav, Pepsi, and working on other of my favs to give up as the weeks go on. Thanks for keeping me accountable and thank you ladies!" - Line C.
"I just wanted to say a big thank you to the Sweaty Saints team for putting together the Lenten F+F Challenge. I liked following the videos during the Lenten season. May God continue to bless your ministry." - Marie-Reine B.
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